Day 228 to 231 – Friday 29th April to Monday 2nd May – Siem Reap to Bangkok to New Zealand – surviving Poipet again & Chatuchak weekend market

We thought our 10.5hr journey Battambang to Bangkok and 11.5hr trip back from Bangkok to Siem Reap were the norm travel times between Thailand and Cambodia. Not when you have a Michael Schumacher wannabe behind the wheel of the Thai minibus. Our coach left Siem Reap at 8.15 (with Matt sat in the guide’s seat as they seemed to have run out of usual passenger seats by the time we were told it was OK to board) and after 2 pointless stops we were at the border at 11:30....

May 19, 2011 · (Updated May 19, 2011) · 5 min · karen

Day 224 to 227 cont…

Outside of class we only actually went and did something other than eat & sleep. We went shopping! They have a night market with so many lovely stalls selling souvenirs, clothes and jewellery and a very cool domed bar/restaurant in the centre. Needless to say I re-filled another bag to replace the one Wendy & Steve had kindly taken home for us. And bought a gorgeous silver ring typically on the day that silver was at an all time high so they were reluctant to barter or even sell it to me at one point....

May 19, 2011 · (Updated May 19, 2011) · 3 min · karen

Day 224 to 227 – Monday 25th to Thursday 28th April – 2nd week teaching at SHAC

Monday back to school and whilst UK basks in hot sunny weather on a bank holiday we get rain so the cycle there is nice and muddy. It’s a little like being back at home except it’s still roasting. Aly had some bad news. During the storm on Saturday the lightning had struck everyone’s homes in the area killing everyone’s TVs, her stereo, modem and her husband’s PC. There is a phone mast just next door and so it must have attracted the lightning....

May 19, 2011 · (Updated May 19, 2011) · 6 min · karen

Day 223 – Sunday 23rd April – Samoeun’s family & party

Sunday was party day at Samoeun’s house. He works at Palm Garden Lodge and had invited us a few days ago. He was providing the food and we’d provide the beer. At 3:30 when Samoeun finished work he took us off in his friend’s tuk-tuk to his home in another village on the outskirts of Siem Reap near West Baray. Stopped off on the way for a couple of crates of beer and a block of ice in a carrier bag....

May 16, 2011 · (Updated May 16, 2011) · 3 min · karen

Day 222 – Saturday 22nd April – another side to Siem Reap

Saturday I went off for the morning with Aly to what I thought was advertising her charity in town. But when she said into town she didn’t mean Siem Reap. To her that is the city. A town is a smaller place west of Siem reap on the outskirts called ???? which in English means “Basket”. So I hopped on the back of her moped and away we went. She introduced me to some of the families who weave baskets in this area....

May 16, 2011 · (Updated May 16, 2011) · 2 min · karen

Day 217 to 221 – Monday 18th to Friday 22nd April – Siem Reap – week 1 of English teaching at shac-smilinghearts

I have been teaching every day from 9:30 to 11:30 and from 15:30 to 17:30 at the shac-smilinghearts school set up by Aly which opened on November 1st 2010. I cycle there and back twice a day. It’s only just over 1km away down mud tracks, past a mixture of large houses and small wooden houses on stilts. Men & boys sit at the side of the polluted streams that run through the village with their fishing rods hoping to catch something....

May 16, 2011 · (Updated May 16, 2011) · 5 min · karen

Day 209 to 216 – Sunday 10th to Sunday 17th April – Siem Reap

We’re suffering from too much chill-out time, are feeling too de-stressed and need to take a break from the travelling so have come back to Siem Reap for three weeks off to work on stolencamerafinder. Only when we get here do we remember that the LP describes April in Cambodia as the “killer month”. They weren’t wrong. Sunday was hot. Monday was hotter. Blue skies, glaring sunshine. We had our 1st beer after 2 days dry since seeing Wend & Steve in Bangkok....

May 16, 2011 · (Updated May 16, 2011) · 3 min · karen

Day 208 Saturday 9th April – Bangkok to Siem Reap overland via Poipet (train & bus)

Never get the train from Bangkok to Aranya Prathet (border). 2 hours on a hard upright seat from Bangkok to Ayuthaya at lunchtime is fine. It’s doable. 6 hours plus half hour delay starting at 6am when you’re knackered because you didn’t sleep properly the night before is uncomfortable to say the least. The train was relatively empty when we left Hualamphong station. We had a 3-seater for the two of us so nodding off was not a problem....

May 16, 2011 · (Updated May 16, 2011) · 3 min · karen

Day 194 – Saturday 26 March – Battambang to Bangkok – crossing the Cambodian/Thai border at Poipet

We’re off to meet up with Wend & Steve in Bangkok. Given ourselves a day to get over the border so we get there in time! Haha of the day: Matt tried to give some not quite so poor woman some money whilst she was just sat waiting for the bus. Much embarrassment. The Poipet border crossing was quite painless. 20 mins queued up on Cambodia side to get our departure stamp followed by 30mins on the Thai border to be let in....

May 10, 2011 · (Updated May 10, 2011) · 1 min · karen

Day 191 to 193 – Wednesday 23rd to Friday 25th March – Battambang – Bamboo train & Cambodian cooking class

Yes I was right. Hangovers from hell. I think we went to sleep about 5am and were up and out in the midday sun packed and waiting for a bus to Battambang. Not pretty. Luckily the bus journey to Battambang was a bearable 3.5 hours. And trusting a tuk-tuk driver (Mr Bat from Battambang) at the bus stop paid off. The first hotel was full (an LP recommendation) so ended up at its sister hotel Asia Hotel a bit further away but one of the best places we’ve stayed in for comfort and cleanliness and wifi and a steal at $8 a night....

May 10, 2011 · (Updated May 10, 2011) · 7 min · karen