Challenge Conclusion…

Back in April I challenged myself to run 5km in under 19 minutes and gain 1.5 stone by the last Bridge Inn 5km of the summer. Tonight was the night. Being too busy disorganised, I didn’t realise that tonight was the deadline until today. If I had realised I would probably have prepared a little better. Two days ago I ran my first Kymin Dash, a ~7 mile run but includes a decent hill....

July 28, 2010 · (Updated July 28, 2010) · 3 min · matt


Yesterday, I attended a workshop hosted by the talented Lou O’Bedlam. Although I wasn’t fully aware of it at the time, I was getting inspired. Not only was I getting inspired to take more picutres, I was getting inspired to focus on stepping out of my comfort zone and going after my dreams. Lou talked about recently teaching his nephew how to ask a girl out. His advice was simple: “Just ask her”....

May 24, 2010 · (Updated May 24, 2010) · 4 min · matt

Read the blog post, read read. But what if I don’t want to? It doesn’t matter, READ!

After some late night cramming for an exam last week I went to bed with my head still chattering. I told a sleepy Karen about my day at work and how Dan and I kept singing different words to Adam and Joe’s “Text the Nation” jingle. I gave the example: “Patch the source code, patch patch, but what if it’s not tested? It doesn’t matter, PATCH!” (I hope the sarcasm reads well)....

May 25, 2009 · (Updated May 25, 2009) · 1 min · matt

What’s the best sim-only mobile contract?

OK, I know, it’s a bit of a silly question because everyone has different needs, but these are mine: 1 month rolling contract — I don’t want to be stuck with the contract for 12 months Keep my number — I rummaged through the boxes in a BTCellnet shop years ago to get my number and I’m going to keep it Unlimited internet — Well, a fair usage of at least 1GB, and I don’t want to get charged if I go over, I just want a warning Some free minutes — To all networks of course Some free texts £25 per month or less So far, the best I’ve found is the solo-20 plan at T-Mobile:...

March 31, 2009 · (Updated March 31, 2009) · 2 min · matt

Audio Stalking

I’m just writting this as a holding place for funny things I overhear. Little bits of someone else’s conversation caught out of context. I hope this is just the beginning or a lifelong reel of quotes that I append to as funny things enter my ears from the mouths of unaware passers-by. I’m starting it because I just heard: “How did it survive being cooked in a flapjack” I have no idea what she was talking about, and to be honest, I don’t want to know....

November 28, 2008 · (Updated November 28, 2008) · 1 min · matt

mattburns co uk

home this is all there is

November 28, 2008 · (Updated November 28, 2008) · 1 min · matt