Day 91 – Monday 13th December – Singapore

Met up with Dulcie’s sister Esme, her husband Gus & 3-month baby Cleo for lunch as they are currently living in Singapore. Had lunch at a very lush Indonesian restaurant where we fell in love with Beef Penang and I fell for lychee juice made which comes with fresh lychees in the glass. Not sure Matt fell in love with his bright pink strawberry fizzy shake but he had to try it....

January 3, 2011 · (Updated January 3, 2011) · 3 min · karen

Day 90 – Sunday 12th December – Singapore

Bloomin’ ‘eck today was hot. Another partial downside is the temperature. Being so close to the equator it is very hot all day long. Even at midnight it is still very warm. So air-conditioning is everywhere, even outside cooling the streets in some places. A big waste of energy and very environmentally unfriendly. Visited Chinatown. The cleanest Chinatown I’ve ever been to. Very delicious food (dumpling soup and char siew wonton noodles) and cheapish beer compared to the rest of Singapore....

January 3, 2011 · (Updated January 3, 2011) · 2 min · karen

Day 89 – Saturday 11th December – Singapore

2 weeks til Xmas! Singapore is completely different to India. It’s kind of been a bit of a “culture-shock” for us and we’re having to adapt to another way of living again. It is very American-like with huge roads, sky-scrapers and 7-11s everywhere. And it is so very clean (even the money) and organised. Almost futuristic. People in cars stop for you at zebra crossings. It has a great metro system....

January 3, 2011 · (Updated January 3, 2011) · 3 min · karen

Day 88 – Friday 10th December – Mumbai to Singapore

Early start today as we’re off on our 2nd leg to Singapore! Up at 5.30, had a lovely cold shower and no breakfast. Specifically asked the guys in reception last night about breakfast before 6am and they said no problem. We’d also checked when hot water was available – 5am til 12pm (stupid – why have it only switched on in the morning? Don’t people shower in the evenings?) Matt went to enquire about the water & breakfast and had to practically stand on the guy in reception to wake him up....

January 3, 2011 · (Updated January 3, 2011) · 4 min · karen