Convention ÷ Configuration

I’ve long been sold on the concept of Convention Over Configuration. For me it’s a no-brainer, not only am I lazy, but when I am forced to make a decision about something technical, well, let’s just say the number of times I get it wrong is > 0. Recently I’ve been playing around with Maven, something I should have done years ago. Maven seems pretty sold on the convention idea too and so I just expected a simple project to work “out of the box”....

May 18, 2009 · (Updated May 18, 2009) · 2 min · matt

Voucher codes and promo wotsits

It’s 2009! Our digital lives are a breeze and online shopping is just one more option to the newly empowered consumer. Right? I’m sure I’m not alone in finding the process of buying anything a little tedious now: See something in the shop you like Decide not to buy it because you don’t know if that’s a good price You get home and look on the internet Now you have to poke around a few websites and try to work out which is cheapest when you consider postage and tax etc....

January 22, 2009 · (Updated January 22, 2009) · 3 min · matt