Tie up the JSP implicit variables with SCRAPROPE

Use the acronym SCRAPROPE to remember the JSP implicit variables: session config request application pageContext response out page exception I should really credit Russ for coming up with the acronym. I think my attempts, SCORP RAPE and SPORE CRAP, weren’t as catchy.

April 6, 2010 · (Updated April 6, 2010) · 1 min · matt

Pick the Right Scope Automatically

As I previously metioned, I’m taking the SCWCD exam tomorrow. When trying to cram for any exam I like to make up short poems, acronyms or just random chains of though. For example, I know the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis because Meiosis begins with “Meow” which is what cats do and they have four legs… anyway… My first thing to remember is that a JspContext has a findAttribute method that I can use to Pick the Right Scope Automatically....

April 6, 2010 · (Updated April 6, 2010) · 1 min · matt